Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm one of those people who really loves making New Years Resolutions.  With the exception of those seven years I said I would stop biting my nails, I'm usually very good at keeping them.  Hopefully this year's resolution should be pretty simple: Take better care of me.

Last semester was pretty hard on me.  I lost a ton of strength and was flaring constantly.  All I could do was go to my internship and my classes and plug away on my thesis.  This left little time for exercise or stretching.  I even had to stop doing water therapy at physical therapy because I was just too busy to take an extra hour and a half to do all that was associated with going into the pool.  So, I'm trying to do better.

I've asked my supervisor at work if I could modify my hours so that I would actually be coming in four days a week.  I would come in late on Tuesdays, after physical therapy, and then would make up however much time by coming in on Thursday before heading to class.  I'm hoping it will work out well and that I can stick to it.  Other than my thesis I feel like my classes are going to be pretty easy.

On the other days of the week I' going to go to the gym and do yoga as it's possible.  I'm thinking definitely on Fridays I can go straight to the gym after class and do some of my reading.  I also got these:
I did a blog about them awhile back.  I got them for myself for Christmas, along with a couple yoga DVDs that are less intense than P90X.  I tried them out the last couple days- as such I am sore all over.  I'm hoping to see an increase in strength and flexibility in a couple months.

Finally, I need to jump start all these plans! In my last post I alluded to the Food Lover's Cleanse.  I start tomorrow with a caramelized onion and mushroom omelette for breakfast. I'm excited to start, but some of the ingredients are expensive and hard to find.  Also, I go back to work on Monday.  Diets are hard when you're supposed to be out the door at seven.

It's my hope that if I really stick to this I can start feeling better on a more regular basis.  Feeling better means fewer steroids and less vidocin.  And, if I don't need vicodin, that means I don't need to ask my doctor for medical marijuana instead!  Yay!

Well, Kevin's video game is giving me motion sickness- off to take a nap!

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