Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sexy Torture Devices

Last night I went to a semi-formal event at Intel.  It was "Vegas Night" and they had blackjack, poker, craps, roulette, huge shrimps and cake.  Those shrimps were delicious.  And the cocktail sauce.  Mmmmm.

I digress.

Kevin and I took "semi-formal" literally and so I wore my LBD (Little Black Dress) and heels while Kevin wore his suit.  As usual, there were some assholes (pardon my language) who showed up in jeans, but we weren't the most dressed up people either.  In fact, we looked pretty darn good.  Was it worth the two hours of prep time (shower, blow-dry, straighten, makeup, get dressed)?  Probably not.  I'm very fortunate to have married a man who loves how I dress and thinks I'm beautiful with the bare minimum of makeup (Mascara. MAYBE powder foundation.). What made it REALLY worth is was that Kevin bought me an In-N-Out burger on the way home.  He even remembered to ask for extra pickles.  Be still my heart.  :)

The point of this post, however, was to discuss my sexy torture devices.  I bought them for Brian and Maggie's Wedding to go with a hot little dress I had found.  I could go into the horror story about that dress and the wedding but then I'd be digressing again...

They are gladiator style and they buckle around the ankle.  They're hot.  And they're high.  And they hurt.  It wasn't too bad when we were standing in one spot near the blackjack tables last night, but as we walked around to get food or even to leave it was taking serious concentration to not whimper with each step.  The balls of my feet were dying!

And, as I took them off and crawled into bed last night I noticed immediate pain in both of my hips and my lower back.  That was really amazing.  I probably only wore those sexy torture devices for around 2 hours, but here I am, paying for it today.

In conclusion?  Next semi formal event I'm going shopping for some pretty flats.

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