Friday, July 16, 2010

Feeling a bit better!

These steroids must be doing the trick! Or, there's also the possibility that after 9 days of a terrible flare my immune system was ready to stop attacking me and I just happened to start steroids at the same time.
If I'm feeling pretty good tomorrow I'm thinking that I might do yoga in the morning. I've been waiting until I could use my hands and my wrists- it's hard to do downward facing dog (or upward facing dog, for that matter) with crappy wrists that hurt lots.
I've decided to run up to Spokane July 30-August 3. I'm hoping for good health until I leave and for the duration of the trip. I want to be a fun Auntie and I need happy hips to do that. I get to see Damien a lot during the trip and Riley (and his parents, heh) will be in town the 31st. It's going to be great. I foresee lots of t-ball in my future.
Cross your fingers for yoga tomorrow!

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