Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A morbid, but important topic

I have not been posting... the weird thing is that Kevin has been out of town on business these past could days.  With all of my free time you would think I would love talking to my good friend, the internet.  Instead, I've been talking to Spartacus, who isn't the best conversationalist either.  I've probably also been putting off writing about something uncomfortable.

The important post that has been brewing in my mind concerns one of the items on my to-do list from my Spokane visit- taking care of assigning medical power of attorney for my grandparents and filling out their advanced health care directives. With the frailty of human life- especially when you have a chronic illness, it's important to think about your final wishes.

  • Should you slip into a coma/become brain-dead, would you want to remain on life support?
  • Would you want fluids and/or nutrients fed to you to maintain your life?
  • Who would you want to follow through with your wishes and make decisions about your care?
These big questions are important to think about and discuss with your loved ones, whether it be discussing your own wishes or theirs.  

For most states (if not all, I'm no legal expert), the paperwork is readily available to download off the internet and print right at home.  In Washington State, the medical power of attorney required a notary, while the advanced directive only required two (non-relative) signatures.  

I don't exactly know how to end this post... except to say that I hope you think about it. 

1 comment:

  1. Not morbid at all. It's something everyone should do. Please remember to post the advance medical directive in a visible place should emergency personnel be called to the home. Nothing is more frustrating than having gone to the trouble of making decisions and not having them followed. If the decision is not to take "heroic measures" and emergency personnel do not know this, it is very difficult to "undo" this once the person is hospitalized. Everyone over 18 or 21 (depending on the state) should have this conversation. Your post is a good reminder to everyone. Thanks.
