Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

After scouring the internets for the best picture I could find related to New Year's Resolutions I decided to settle on this bad boy.  Most of the options involved some joke about giving up on the goals, making ridiculous goals, or just not making any resolutions to begin with.  After my MIL posted the following pic on Facebook, I knew I had a winner.

This mantra is pretty similar to how I live my life daily.  There are challenges to living with a chronic illness, but being defeated is usually a personal choice.  So, when you set your resolutions for 2012, I encourage you to think manageable and keep them happiness-oriented.

Kara's 2012 New Year's Resolutions
~Live Healthily: Eat and drink with purpose and intention~
~Exercise regularly for mind as well as body~
~Social Work: Publish, write the curriculum, get a job, etc.~

Are you doing resolutions this year?

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